Our Lady of Good Success Academy (OLGS), formerly Gloria Dei Academy (GDA), is a vibrant and growing Catholic elementary school, grades K through 8, which began its thirteenth year of operations in September, 2022. It was established with the intention of loyalty to Catholic Tradition and to the Teaching Magisterium of the Church. It’s ambiance is thoroughly Christian, with a curriculum based upon the time-proven Catholic classical method of studies. At OLGS, the education of the whole person and the formation of young Christian ladies and gentlemen are our goals.
OLGS had a humble beginning in a small schoolhouse in the tiny hamlet of St. Clement, Missouri; about four miles south of Bowling Green, the county seat of Pike County. Within five years our rapidly increasing student enrollment caused us to outgrow the original 2,000 square foot building. Relocating thirteen miles east to Louisiana, MO, during the summer of 2015, we are now in our seventh year at our new location on U.S. Highway 54, immediately west of the Louisiana city limits. In this area of beautiful wooded hills, and with seven level acres of land available for expansion, we are thankful and hopeful for the future of our school in this new location.
The many people involved in making OLGS a future success story, including school board, faculty, school parents, friends and benefactors have worked with great industry, and unremittingly, with their hands-on labor, funds, and prayers to achieve this goal.